Heart worm is a small worm, which lives in the blood vessels. It is spread by mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites (has a blood meal) from an infected dog, that mosquito then becomes infected. It then spreads the infection to any subsequent dog they bite.

Heart worm IS in the Albury Wodonga area, with several positive cases confirmed. This means all dogs are at risk of infection.

We recommend an annual heart worm prevention injection or monthly chew tablets. Speak to one of our Vets today to make sure your dog is protected.


Intestinal worming for cats and dogs is important. Worms are generally spread via the faecal-oral route, and can be contagious to us humans! We recommend the following worming protocols:

Kittens and puppies:

  • Every 2 weeks from 4 weeks to 12 weeks of age
  • Monthly until 6 months of age

From 6 months of age:

  • Once every 3 months.

Please note - some spot-on treatments that include cover for intestinal worming are not suitable for puppies or kittens until 6-8 weeks of age, and some DO NOT include treatment for tapeworm.

To make sure you are giving your pet the correct worming tablet, please speak to our team.


A collaborative teaching approach with Albury Animal Hospital supporting the main stars, the dog trainers from The Dog Education Centre.

We have surveyed puppy pre-school participants and found overwhelmingly that participants want to know how to train their dog to set them up for success! We have listened and there is an 85% focus on training, including lifetime access to The Dog Education Centres online training academy.

Puppies between the ages of 8-16 weeks of age are in their critical socialisation period where they start to explore the world around them. Puppy preschool is designed to help these pups develop resilience and confidence in the world around them.

Puppy Preschool is as important to your puppy's long term health as vaccinations and good nutrition! It can positively influence how your puppy will interact with other dogs and people for the rest of their life.

Puppy Pre-school is a 4 week course, which unlike traditional training classes, is specifically designed for pups between 8-16 weeks of age. It's also a perfect time for your puppy to start developing a positive relationship with their Veterinary team and the sights, smells and sounds of a vet hospital . Dogs who have attended our puppy classes just love coming back

What you need to know:

Do's :

  • Your pup must have had their first vaccination.
  • Puppies must be between 8-16 weeks of age when the course commences.
  • Strictly one handler (must be over 18 years of age)
  • Bring high value meaty treats
  • Do your online academy module to be prepared for the class

Don'ts :

  • No retractable leads
  • Don't feed your pup for a few hours before the class so they are motivated by the treats.


Our team is very passionate about senior health care, and knowledgeable about medical conditions that are more likely to affect our golden oldies. Pets are considered senior from the age of 7, although this is a very general rule. Our larger breed dogs, like Great Danes, the mastiff have a much shorter life expectancy than our smaller breeds like the Jack Russel Terrier.

Have a look at this table and see how old your cat or dog is. The red cells indicate when they are considered a senior pet

Once a year in June, we hold a 'Senior Month' where we promote a range of health topics specific to senior pets, and will promote urine and blood testing as part of a thorough annual check up.

The term 'Geriatric' is used when a patient is in their last few years of life. Generally for these pets we would have tailored a geriatric management plan for your pet to ensure we oversee quality of life in their final years.


Our hospital provides a tailored vaccination protocol for your pet, based on current best practices and recommendations, as well as knowledge of infectious diseases within our local area. We know there is a high parvovirus burden in the environment in Albury-Wodonga and cat flu is easily and commonly spread between mum and kittens, or from co-housing.

Vaccinations help to keep our pets healthy and protected from some infectious diseases. Core vaccines are the minimum protection we recommend. For dogs, we recommend a C5 vaccination (Distemper, Canine Hepatitis, Parvovirus and “Kennel cough” [parainfluenza and whooping cough for dogs]). For cats, we recommend a F3 vaccine, which is for Feline Panleukopaenia, Feline rhinotracheitis and Feline Calicivirus.

There are additional vaccines which may be recommended for your pet based on their individual circumstances and risks.


Albury Animal hospital is available for house call services. It is not our primary consultation method, but it can be beneficial for clients who have pets with mobility issues, have mobility or transport challenges themselves, for euthanasia or for cats that can get quite stressed attending the hospital. Housecall service is only available for current clients. Transport fees are charged outside of 10km area from around the hospital.

If you would like to book a house call please contact reception.

Contact us

323 Wagga Road, Lavington NSW 2641
(opposite the Booma hotel).

For all Albury Wodonga Animal Rescue related enquiries please call:
0436 435 035

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Opening hours

Monday 8am-6pm
Tuesday 8am-6pm
Wednesday 8am-6pm
Thursday 8am-6pm
Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday 9am-1pm
Sunday Closed


To help keep up with demand, give our vets a rest and to ensure our clients have 24/7 access to vet advice, we have partnered with VetChat for all your after-hour pet care needs. VetChat vets are all Australian board certified, with a minimum of 5 year's experience and are passionate about improving pet health outcomes.

When our hospital doors close each day, VetChat will help us support you and your petby offering primary triage.

After Hours Support Costs:
$39.00 6am - midnight AEST/AEDT
$59.00 midnight - 6am AEST/AEDT

If your pet requires emergency critical care, VetChat will alert our vet on call and we will be in contact shortly.

Please Note: The fee for a Vet to attend the hospital after hours is $430. After an examination and consultation, all recommended treatment plans will be discussed, including all additional fees.

To contact VetChat call 1300 215 328 or Click here to proceed to VetChat.